Reviews on our CD’s and concerts

“En klang af tidløshed” (A sound of timelessness) from 2009:

“En klang af tidløshed” (A sound of timelessness) from 2009:

“(Thumbs Up) a flowing, well varied set of tunes and songs, played and arranged with finely judged lift and sophistication. ”
fRoots Nov/ Dec 2009

” Svøbsk made the fabulous “Sig mig” in 2005 and now they have made a dozen enchanting compositions. Indefinable tunes that make you sway and move longingly. Dickmeiss and Hallberg are very expressive and the piano and percussion complete them wonderfully. ”
Le Canard Folk, July 09, Marc Baudain – CD of the month in the July issue!

” A record that’s sure to make the list for Danish folk album of the year. Recommended. ”
DirtyLinen, Jan/Feb 2010, Jim Lee
” A new beautiful album from Svøbsk. The tempo- and pulse variations are more wide than you normally find it amongst folk musicians. It is rare that Danish folk musicians dare take the time to dwell on harmony and dissonances as Svøbsk do it here. Hallberg and Dickmeiss play their instruments with exquisite sense of just accordion and violin. ”
Rootszone, June 09, Michael Sommer

” The clear well of poetry. Their strong point is the poetic and lyrical narrative melody, that is a language they know by heart. Both are fine instrumentalists, and I am especially impressed by Hallberg’s accordeon playing that is strongly figurative. ”
Fyens Stiftidende, May 09, Poul Lendal

” Impressive, steady and melancholic and with inspiration from many parts of of the world. Their lovely music fits perfectly in on one of the small clubs, that recently has sprung up all over the country. ”
Jydske Vestkysten, Sept 09, Steen Rasmussen

“Sig mig” (Tell me) from 2005:

” Quite Svoebsk… with love and deep empathy ”
Arbejderen, Aug 05, Helge Knudsen.

” Bubbling duo from Funen. The two musicians are breathtaking players. ”
Jydske Vestkysten, Sep 05, Ole Sørensen

” Dickmeiss’ supple voice has an endearing warmth, and his fiddle work is lively and expressive. Hallberg’s accordion plays off the fiddle, which is usually the lead instrument, but she does take the spotlight on a few of the slower numbers. Another fine display of the depth and originality that is the trademark of the new Danish folk scene.”
Dirty Linen, Jan O6, Jim Lee

” The Svoebsk duo composes new folk music and interprets traditional songs and tunes in their own voice. A personal and warm voice with both sweet, gentle intros on the accordion and energetic aggressive explosions on the violin. Dickmeiss is a violinist beyond any comparison. ”
Le Canard Folk, Aug 05, M. Baudain

“A deep knowledge of the old music combined with a lively sense of innovation. Splendid drive and rhytm! ”
Sing Out, Dec 06, Mary DesRosiers

” Maren and Jorgen complement each other most brilliantly. The musical energy and technical background is unmistakably in order and we are not afraid to predict a promising future for the couple. ”
Fyens Stiftidende, June 05, Aksel Brahe


” Et opfriskende band, der skaber en glad og medrivende atmosfære af fest. Orkestret er en garant for en skøn aften.”” Danish trio Svobsk continue an impressive line of Scandinavian visitors to this event (Northern stream Festival, Edinburgh). They brought a real flavour of old Denmark in song and dance, with the Jane Birkinesque Tira Skamby’s percussion adding more contemporary but entirely sympathetic punctuation.
Dickmeiss has a very personable style, adding witty translations and a heartfelt song looking for honesty – although not too much – in love, and leading Hallberg off round the stage on a wedding dance to Skamby’s accompanying rhythm and his own harmonica playing. Being Northerners, there was darkness, too, in a beautifully expressive slow accordion tune from Hallberg and a familiar tale of two ravens whose melody and narrative they thought was Danish until they heard its Scottish cousin, The Twa Corbies. ”
The Herald, 9/4 2008 by Rob Adams

” It was only a question of a few minutes before the children felt confident about Svøbsk. They listened intensely to the music and the stories and came closer and closer to the stage and the musicians. ”
Jydske Vestkysten, Bert Schultz, March 2009

” The City hall of Skanderborg was transformed in to a regular display of fireworks of singing and dancing kids, when Svøbsk opened the festival. The trio captured the children from the beginning and delivered a very varied programme. ”
Rootszone, Per Dyrholm, October 2010

” Svøbsk presented the music leaving us breathless – simply listening all intense. I have never heard anything like it. The violin was played with such virtuosity, that one was lead to think that it was the fabled violinplayer Wandy Tworek. The accordion was sensitively played by the female part Maren Hallberg, with a deep sense of delicacy and at the same time breathtaking and dashing. “
Lokalavisen Frederishavn, Kis Kattenhøj, Februar 2007

” Der var gang i de to musikere- og danserne tog godt imod deres oplæg til et varierende balprogram. Men det var ikke kun danserene, der fik sig en inspirerende aften. Det var ligeledes en fornøjelse, at lytte til de to unge musikeres afbalancerede sammenspil, at opleve dem lege med de muligheder deres respektive instrumenter kunne give dem. Harmoniske spillopperier, sensibel sang og rytmiske finter lod folkemusikken leve op til spændende unge dimensioner uden at miste jordforbindelsen. ”
Bornholms Tidende, Christina D. Gornitzka, November 2003

” Svøbsk blev et meget inspirerende bekendtskab for elever og lærere. Duoen fortolkede den danske folkemusiktradition med stor respekt for den saft og kraft, der er i folkemusikken, og deres meget professionelle og passionerede håndtering af de danske danse og viser udløste livlig respons fra publikum. ”
Hobro gymnasieblad, Karen Bente Christiansen, Marts 2005

” Årets første klubaften blev en succes. Svøbsk leverede en pragtfuld indsats til stor tilfredsstillelse for en fyldt klub.”
Struer Folkclub Januar 2004

Upcoming events


Fri, 21st Feb 7:30pm Traditional dance, Kulturmaskinen, Odense

Sat, 22nd Feb 11:00am Svøbsk Trio family concert, Sejergaardsskolens Hal, Tølløse

Fri, 2nd May 8:00pm closed event, Rude Strand Højskole, Rude Strand

Wed, 14th May 7:30pm Svøbsk Trio Tapas concert , Rude Strand HøjsAsmild Kirkekole, Viborg

Mon, 9th Jun 11:00am Outdoor mass, Rønninge præstegårdshave, Rønninge

Sun, 31st Aug 11:00am Harvest mass, Agedrup kirke, Agedrup

Thu, 11th Sep 10:00pm private event, Nordic Coagulation Meeting, København

Fri, 5th Dec 8:00pm Juletradition with Svøbsk&LunauSund, Alte Synagoge, Hagenow, Germany

Thu, 18th Dec 10:00am Christmass concert, closed event, Stenløse Kirke, Odense

Wed, 24th Dec 11:00am Christmas mass for families TBC, Tornbjerg Kirke, Odense