Band of the year at Danish Music Awards, Roots 2023

– forførende folkemusik med en klang af tidløshed

The stage is set for a very special experience. With flair for the new and love for the old, Svøbsk combines traditional folk music with original compositions resulting in a personal and vibrant expression. Svøbsk creates an enchanting and festive atmosphere and seeks afinity with their audience. Their music and songs are rooted in the flourishing heritage of traditional music fram Denmark and the surrounding countries.

Over the past 20 years, the two folk musicians Maren Hallberg and Jørgen Dickmeiss have been finetuning their empathetic interplay, released 6 albums and performed an abundance of shows in and outside of Denmark. In 2023, they received a Danish Music Award for Roots Name of the Year.

On their latest album Sorgenfri” (2023) the band returned to their original setup- two musicians coming together in their joint passion and shared fate.The album was featured as one of the 10 best album releases of 2023 by RadioFolk.

Svøbsk play duo and a Quartet Line up, for concert and for dance. Hallberg and Dickmeiss have allied themselves with the two great musicians Theis Langlands and Simon Busk and their contributions on piano and percussion complement most beautifully the closely knit musical patchwork of Svøbsk.

The concept of lifting the legacy of former fiddlers in a balancing act between tradition and renewal has proven sustainable.

Svøbsk is pronounced

Maren Hallberg; accordion, vocal
Jørgen Dickmeiss; violin, vocal, guitar
Theis Langlands; piano, harmonica, vocal
Simon Busk; percussion, vocal

Album releases:
2005 “Sig mig” GO0405 – Duo
2009 “En klang af tidløshed” ALF0409 – Quartet
2014 “Bjergtaget” GO0413 – Quartet
2016 “Juletradition – sange og folk” Svøbsk & LunauSund JT2016
2021 “Den langfingrede” GO0621 – Quartet
2023 ”Sorgenfri” GO1223 – Duo

Besides they have made 2 albums with Michael Møller and Foreing Lands in 2017 “Burning Waltz”, FL2017 and in 2020 “Everything is new tomorrow”, FL2020


”Christ this is an excellent release, that in the most beautiful manner balance between tradition and innovation. No doubt Svøbsk belong to the fiddle tadition but the four exciting skilled musicians do not traet it with a misunderstood respect. ” Klaus Lynggaard, Information.

“What shows is the courage and the creativity. Whether it is a polka or a lullaby makes no difference. The four musicians give what they have – and that is a lot. Lovely!” New folk sounds

”A refreshing band, that creates a happy and spell-binding party atmosphere. The band guarantee a wonderful evening.” Folkmagazin

“If anybody does, it is Svøbsk who represent the danish folk tradition.” Arbejderen,

“The musicians draw on a wide range of musical expressions while united in their deep respect for the Danish tradition. Interesting acoustic music with a flair for the new and a love f the old. Highly recommended!” Cd Roots

”Svøbsk render with elegance, vitality and innovation. The music on this CD is most excellently played and indicate a competent show.” Le Canard folk

” A record that’s sure to make the list for Danish folk album of the year. Recommended. “
DirtyLinen, Jim Lee

” Maren and Jørgen filled the exhilarated audience with enthusiasm with elegantly composed rhytm and flowing sounds.” Rolf-Dieter Diehl, Celleche Zeitung

” Svøbsk does it again. Not many bands survive this long and with such a popularity. Some of the reason for this might lie in the fact that they are able to renew the music and still stick to tradition. Lovely CD. ” Stevns lokal radio

” Several tunes – as for instance ”De små sorte” – are impossibel to hear without twitching you arms and legs in a dancing manner – while getting somewhat spellbound by theability of the fiddle.” Flensborg avis

” A refreshing band, that creates a happy and spell-binding party atmosphere. The band guarantee a wonderful evening. ” Folkmagazin

” Empatic and brilliantly played ” Bernd Kunzer, Folker

“ Maren on the accordion and Jorgen on the violin and guitar plus vocal complement each other most brilliantly. The musical energy and technical background is unmistakably in order and we are not afraid to predict a promising future for the couple in the stream of folk music-releases that have seen the light of the day in recent years. ” Fyens Stiftidende, Aksel Brahe

“ The Svoebsk duo composes new folk music and interprets traditional songs and tunes in their own voice. A personal and warm voice with both sweet, gentle intros on the accordion and energetic aggressive explosions on the violin. Dickmeiss is a violinist beyond any comparison. ” Le Canard Folk, M. Baudin, Belgien.

” Quite Svoebsk… with love and deep empathy…. which without a doubt will appeal to many folk music-and ballad-lovers. ” Arbejderen, Helge Knudsen, .

” Bubbling duo from Funen. A delightfully varied CD, where we are introduced to a great deal of the width of folk music… And the two players are breathtaking players. “Tell Me” is in many ways a delightfully varied piece in the puzzle that Danish folk music luckily is these years. ” Jydske Vestkysten, Ole Sørensen

” Svøbsk made the fabulous “Sig mig” in 2005 and now they have made a dozen enchanting compositions. Indefinable tunes that make you sway and move longingly. Dickmeiss and Hallberg are very expressive and the piano and percussion complete them wonderfully. ” Le Canard Folk, Marc Baudain – CD of the month in the July issue!

” A record that’s sure to make the list for Danish folk album of the year. Recommended. ” DirtyLinen, Jim Lee

” The clear well of poetry. Their strong point is the poetic and lyrical narrative melody, that is a language they know by heart. Both are fine instrumentalists, and I am especially impressed by Hallberg’s accordeon playing that is strongly figurative. ” Fyens Stiftidende, Poul Lendal

” Impressive, steady and melancholic and with inspiration from many parts of of the world. Their lovely music fits perfectly in on one of the small clubs, that recently has sprung up all over the country. “
Jydske Vestkysten, Steen Rasmussen

” Another fine display of the depth and originality that is the trademark of the new Danish folk scene.”
Dirty Linen, Jim Lee

” A deep knowledge of the old music combined with a lively sense of innovation. Splendid drive and rhytm! “
Sing Out, Mary DesRosiers

” Svøbsk presented the music leaving us breathless – simply listening all intense. I have never heard anything like it. The violin was played with such virtuosity, that one was lead to think that it was the fabled violinplayer Wandy Tworek. The accordion was sensitively played by the female part Maren Hallberg, with a deep sense of delicacy and at the same time breathtaking and dashing. “ Lokalavisen Frederishavn, Kis Kattenhøj

Upcoming events


Thu, 14th Nov 7:00pm concert and speak, Rårup Kirke, Rårup

Wed, 20th Nov 7:00pm Christmas concert with Juletradition (Svøbsk&LunauSund), Hjallelse Kirke, Odense

Sun, 1st Dec 9:30am Christmas concert with Juletradition (Svøbsk&LunauSund), Allerup Kirke, Odense

Fri, 6th Dec 7:30pm Closed event, Rude Strand Højskole, Rude Strand

Sun, 8th Dec 3:00pm Svøbsk Quartet: Christmas hygge for families, Generator, Ringkøbing

Sun, 8th Dec 11:00am Svøbsk Quartet: Christmas hygge for families, Igloen, Horsens

Wed, 11th Dec 10:00am Concert, closed event, Stenløse Kirke, Odense

Fri, 13th Dec 8:00pm concert, TBA, Silkeborg


Fri, 2nd May 8:00pm concert, Rude Strand Højskole, Rude Strand

Mon, 9th Jun 11:00am Outdoor mass, Rønninge præstegårdshave, Rønninge